We have extensive experience in retail development construction. Our long-standing relationships with major retailers in the motor vehicle industry are a testament to our focus on time, cost and quality outcomes. No matter the size or scope of the project, we always work closely with our retail clients to ensure that we meet their unique requirements.
Valley KIA
The scope of work comprises alterations and additions to existing showroom located at Traralgon including structural modifications of external envelope,...
Commercial Civic/Landscape Retail Building Construction IndustrialEssendon Fields Toyota Redevelopment
The redevelopment works to the new Essendon Fields Toyota project includes construction of new facility incorporating showroom, mezzanine office space,...
Commercial Retail Building Construction Design & Construct IndustrialWoodgrove Shopping Centre Ambiance Upgrade
Ambiance upgrade to the shopping centre's dining precinct comprising reconfiguration and construction of the external areas adjacent dining zones, new...
Commercial Civic/Landscape RetailNational Tiles
The scope of work comprises the partial demolition and structural modifications of the existing building elements including hazardous material removals,...
Commercial Retail Building Construction Design & Construct IndustrialClyde Street Mall
The upgrade to Clyde Street Mall forms part of Frankston City Council Masterplan to energise Frankston’s central retail precinct. The works include the...
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government RetailAlan Mance Mitsubishi
The redevelopment of the existing Footscray retail showroom focuses on consolidating the dealership to represent the Mitsubishi brand. The works comprise of...
Commercial Retail Building ConstructionMelbourne City Mazda – Stage 1
The project involved the re-branding and redevelopment of the existing Holden Car Dealership in South Melbourne into the new Melbourne City Mazda.
Commercial Retail Building ConstructionWarrnambool City Centre Revitalisation Stage 1 & 2 (Streetscape Reconstruction)
The Warrnambool City Centre Project is a new thriving commercial and cultural heart of the City of Warrnambool and for South West Victoria. As part of councils...
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government RetailCASE STUDY
Malop Street Green Spine Streetscape Construction – Stage 1
The City of Greater Geelong in conjunction with the Victorian State Government committed to a joint project to revitalise the Geelong CBD. The ‘Revitalising...
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government RetailCASE STUDY
Brighton BMW Dealership & Showroom
The works comprise the redevelopment of the existing car yard on Nepean Highway Brighton to provide BMW with its newest and most modern dealership, workshop...
Commercial Civic/Landscape Retail Building ConstructionAlan Mance Holden Showroom Extension
Works involved the upgrade and extension of the existing showroom space within the existing Alan Mance car yard complex. This extension doubled the size of the...
Commercial Retail Building ConstructionLittle Malop Street Streetscape Upgrade aka Geelong Laneways Precinct
Works undertaken by 2Construct included the upgrade of existing Little Malop Street in Geelong, including the adjoining lane ways. Works included the...
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government RetailCasey Central Redevelopment
The 40,000m2 expansion of the Casey Central shopping centre expansion to accommodate an additional 1500 carpark incorporating lighting and drainage...
Commercial Retail Civil & InfrastructureSandringham Retail & Apartments (Waltham Street)
Construction of mixed use development in Waltham Street, Sandringham. Project comprises double basement, ground floor retail and 3 levels of apartments /...
Retail Building Construction