Neill Street Reserve

2Construct - Neil St Reserve 03

The Neill Street Reserve between Lygon and Rathdowne streets was transformed to create a neighbourhood park for the Carlton community. The redeveloped area includes two courts for games, a community square and open spaces for sitting and relaxing. The scope of works included earthworks, screw piles, and concrete slabs for basketball and futsal courts, reinforced concrete seating and retaining walls, asphalt paths, synthetic futsal surface, playground, stormwater drainage, lighting and irrigation, shelter structure, feature panel and fencing, sewer diversion and soft landscaping with tree planting.



City of Melbourne



Valley KIA

The scope of work comprises alterations and additions to existing showroom located at Traralgon including structural modifications of external envelope,...

Commercial Civic/Landscape Retail Building Construction Industrial

St Peter's College VCE Centre

The scope of work comprises the construction of a new double-storey VCE Centre with multipurpose classrooms, study and collaboration areas, amenities, storage...

Civic/Landscape Education Building Construction

Footscray Community Arts Precinct Stage 1

The scope of work comprises the construction of a new outdoor performance venue, new amenities building, upgrade of existing landscaping, development of new...

Civic/Landscape Building Construction Community

Yarra Primary School

The scope of work comprises the refurbishment and modernisation of Block B and the construction of a new infill administration and circulation link between...

Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government Sport & Recreation Education Building Construction