Montmorency Village Precinct Streetscape Renewal

2Construct - Montmorency Village1

Were Street Montmorency is a much-loved village that includes a vibrant mix of local businesses, a train station (at the northern end) and Montmorency Primary School (to the south). To keep Were Street a popular, accessible, safe, flexible and sustainable place, Council in partnership with the Victorian Government is upgrading the streetscape, public toilets and open spaces.

The scope of work comprises new asphalt and feature paving to pedestrian paths, new street furniture, new garden beds and raised pedestrian crossings. The work scope also comprises the construction of Were Street Reserve which includes a new covered performance stage, new lighting, new street furniture, new plantings, a nature play area and a new accessible toilet block.



Banyule City Council


Were Street, Montmorency 3094 VIC


Cassisi Architects



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