Hampshire Road Stage 3

2Construct_Hampshire Road Civic Green 1

The new civic green development located in the heart of Sunshine highlights Hampshire Road as Sunshine’s premier main street. The master plan was developed by Brimbank City Council with indepth community consultation to create an active, unique, safe environment and effective method of access for pedestrians, cyclists and public transport users.

The open public precinct endeavours to connect people through cultural events through integrating enhanced community amenities. The works comprise new pedestrian crossings, landscaping, street furniture, bicycle storage and sculptures.



Brimbank City Council


2022 Australian Institute of Landscape Architects (AILA) Award for Civic Landscape.




Valley KIA

The scope of work comprises alterations and additions to existing showroom located at Traralgon including structural modifications of external envelope,...

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St Peter's College VCE Centre

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Footscray Community Arts Precinct Stage 1

The scope of work comprises the construction of a new outdoor performance venue, new amenities building, upgrade of existing landscaping, development of new...

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Yarra Primary School

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