Dynon Road Hardstand and Rail


The scope of work involves a design and construct procurement model working in a rail environment managing a contaminated site with the objective to minimise exposure for users and costs for the client to remove contaminated soil off site. The project includes the demolition and reconstruction of 750 lineal metres of a dual gauge rail track for freight handling, the construction of 10,000m2 hardstand pavement for Qube Logistics, in addition to the construction of a 1,000m2 warehouse receiving facility for Bluescope Steel and the provisions for services, area lighting, water and sewer supply installation and structural foundation for a future 500m2 office complex.



Qube Logistics Pty Ltd


Corner Dynon Road and Lloyd Street
West Melbourne VIC 3003


Lycopodium Infrastructure Pty Ltd



St Peter's College VCE Centre

The scope of work comprises the construction of a new double-storey VCE Centre with multipurpose classrooms, study and collaboration areas, amenities, storage...

Civic/Landscape Education Building Construction

Footscray Community Arts Precinct Stage 1

The scope of work comprises the construction of a new outdoor performance venue, new amenities building, upgrade of existing landscaping, development of new...

Civic/Landscape Building Construction Community

Yarra Primary School

The scope of work comprises the refurbishment and modernisation of Block B and the construction of a new infill administration and circulation link between...

Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government Sport & Recreation Education Building Construction

Aboriginal Gathering Place

The Aboriginal Gathering Place will be a welcoming, inclusive and culturally safe space where Aboriginal people can enjoy a sense of belonging, with access to...

Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government Building Construction Community