Benetas-Corowa Court

2Construct - Benetas Corowa Court 01

The contract included the expansion of the existing respite and secure dementia care facility to accommodate an additional 60 beds. The facility was constructed to include support services comprising massage therapy, diversional therapy, podiatry, optometry, dentistry, secure garden Chapel / church and a hairdressing salon.



Anglican Aged Care Services Group T/AS Benetas


752 The Esplanade Mornington VIC 3931



Valley KIA

The scope of work comprises alterations and additions to existing showroom located at Traralgon including structural modifications of external envelope,...

Commercial Civic/Landscape Retail Building Construction Industrial

Hangar 83

The redevelopment works to Hangar 83 at Essendon Fields project includes the demolition of existing pavements & services, construction of new hangar building...

Commercial Building Construction Design & Construct Industrial

St Peter's College VCE Centre

The scope of work comprises the construction of a new double-storey VCE Centre with multipurpose classrooms, study and collaboration areas, amenities, storage...

Civic/Landscape Education Building Construction

Footscray Community Arts Precinct Stage 1

The scope of work comprises the construction of a new outdoor performance venue, new amenities building, upgrade of existing landscaping, development of new...

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