Local, State & Federal Government
2Construct has been responsible for the construction of many notable Federal, State, and Local Government projects. We have extensive experience in delivering quality outcomes that are community focused, and which leverage our integrated building, civic and civil capabilities across a diverse range of projects. These projects include works in education, community, health, infrastructure and public spaces.
Yarra Primary School
The scope of work comprises the refurbishment and modernisation of Block B and the construction of a new infill administration and circulation link between...
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government Sport & Recreation Education Building ConstructionAboriginal Gathering Place
The Aboriginal Gathering Place will be a welcoming, inclusive and culturally safe space where Aboriginal people can enjoy a sense of belonging, with access to...
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government Building Construction CommunityAitken College Stage 3
The brand-new Primary learning Building is Stage 3 of Aitken College’s masterplan. The project encompasses the construction of a new single storey building...
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government Education Building ConstructionSt Albans Heights Primary School
The scope of work comprises demolition of existing north block (and associated site works and landscaping) in two stages to facilitate the construction of a...
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government Education Building ConstructionNepean Special School Stage 2
The scope of work comprises the construction of a gymnasium extension to create separate gym and fitness spaces. The scope also comprises the construction of...
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government Sport & Recreation Education Building ConstructionVermont Secondary College Gymnasium and Sports Precinct
Construction of a new competition grade gymnasium and sports precinct including associated site, infrastructure, and landscaping works.
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government Education Building ConstructionDorrington Child and Family Hub
The scope of work comprises construction of multiple new kinder spaces and baby sleep settling rooms, multipurpose outdoor learning areas, community playgroup...
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government Building Construction CommunityBridge Mall Redevelopment
Bakery Hill’s renewal plan underpins a truly remarkable visitor experience and is the focus and catalyst that draws together the best that Ballarat and the...
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government Civil & Infrastructure CommunityPascoe Vale Primary School Stage 3
The project encompasses the construction of a new competition grade gymnasium, landscaping, playground, repositioning of an existing relocatable, and...
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government Sport & Recreation Education Building ConstructionToorak Park Redevelopment
Toorak Park is getting an upgrade! The scope of work comprises the design & construction of a new shared-use pavilion featuring a brick facade, feature clock...
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government Sport & Recreation Building Construction Design & ConstructGoonawarra Primary School
The scope of work consists of the refurbishment of the North Learning Neighbourhood and outdoor learning areas and refurbishment of existing library. The scope...
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government Education Building ConstructionConcord School Redevelopment
The Concord School Redevelopment will expand the capacity and amenity of the existing Bundoora and Watsonia school campuses over two stages. The scope of work...
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government Education Building ConstructionGlenroy West Primary School
The redevelopment of the Glenroy West Primary School is to prepare for significant growth in the coming years. The project is delivered over four stages...
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government Education Building ConstructionRegents Park Pavilion
The project encompasses the demolition of the existing pavilion and adjoining pavements to make way for the new pavilion upgrade development works. New build...
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government Sport & Recreation Building ConstructionSouthern Peninsula Youth Hub
The Southern Peninsula Youth Hub will provide a variety of local care support services and programs, as well as a drop-in space for people aged 10 to 25.
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government Building Construction CommunitySoccer Facilities on Templestowe Road, Bulleen
The work consists of constructing 3 full-sized soccer fields (one synthetic & two natural turf pitches) with an associated pavilion including spectator...
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government Sport & Recreation Building Construction Civil & Infrastructure Design & ConstructGR Bricker Reserve Pavilion
The GR Bricker Reserve Pavilion will expand amenity for the surrounding community. The works include clearing the site, demolition of existing pavilion,...
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government Sport & Recreation Building ConstructionCarrum Surf Life Saving Club
Significant expansion works took place to redevelop Carrum Surf Life Saving Club to help meet the needs of growing community demand. The project encompasses...
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government Sport & Recreation Building Construction CommunityKorumburra Community Hub
The Korumburra Community Hub development is a component of the South Gippsland Council's Korumburra Revitalisation Project which aims to reinvigorate the town...
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government Building Construction CommunityClyde & Lochaven Recreation Reserve
The City of Casey’s Clyde and Lochaven Recreation sites involve services upgrades, together with substantial earthworks and landscaping.
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government Sport & Recreation Building ConstructionMontmorency Village Precinct Streetscape Renewal
Were Street Montmorency is a much-loved village that includes a vibrant mix of local businesses, a train station (at the northern end) and Montmorency Primary...
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal GovernmentKorumburra Secondary College - Stage 2
Stage 2 of the Korumburra Secondary College redevelopment will create new state-of-the-art learning facilities. The scope of works comprises construction of a...
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government Education Building ConstructionAspendale Life Saving Club
The project encompasses the construction of a new two-storey lifesaving club comprising training rooms, kitchen, observation, first aid, patrol, member, and...
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government Sport & Recreation Building Construction CommunityChadwick Reserve Pavilion
The project encompasses the development of new 790m2 single storey sports pavilion with upgraded social rooms, canteen, gymnasium, player and umpire change...
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government Sport & Recreation Building ConstructionToomuc Recreation Reserve
The project comprises of three sporting pavilions across Toomuc Recreation Reserve. The northern pavilion involves a new extension to the existing pavilion,...
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government Sport & Recreation Building ConstructionStrathmore North Primary School
The upgrade and modernisation of Strathmore North Primary School will allow it to offer places to an extra 100 local students.
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government Education Building ConstructionKew High School
The scope of work involves the relocation of existing portable buildings and server room, partial demolition of the ground floor, levels 1 and 2 of the...
Local State & Federal Government Education Building ConstructionWestern Pavilion
The scope of work comprises of constructing a brand new single-story Western Pavilion that will include a social room/multi‐purpose room, a kitchen and servery...
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government Sport & Recreation Building ConstructionNorth East Link Project - Ford Park & Binnak Park
The upgrade of Binnak Park and Ford Park’s sport and recreation facilities form part of the North East Link Project. Binnak Park’s new pavilion includes change...
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government Sport & Recreation Building ConstructionFederation Square Civil Works
Upgrades to Melbourne’s prominent Federation Square comprises of highly complex and staged civil works for the installation of security bollards for public...
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal GovernmentHampshire Road Stage 3
The new civic green development located in the heart of Sunshine highlights Hampshire Road as Sunshine’s premier main street. The master plan was developed by...
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal GovernmentKoo Wee Rup Netball Pavilion, Football & Cricket Change Rooms
The scope of work for Koo Wee Rup’s new netball pavilion includes demolition of the existing netball clubroom, construction of new pavilion inclusive social...
Local State & Federal Government Sport & Recreation Building ConstructionKilora and Livingston Recreation Reserve
As part of the vision for the future Australia’s most liveable city, The City of Casey’s new Kilora Sport Pavilion and Livingston Estate Pavilion will actively...
Local State & Federal Government Sport & Recreation Building ConstructionCapital City Trail Parks Renewal Works
The City of Melbourne’s Capital City Trail renewal works connecting Royal Park Station to Royal Park Golf Course include levelling works, civil drainage, new...
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government Civil & Infrastructure CommunityMPSE Southbank Promenade
Upgrades to Melbourne’s Southbank Promenade encompasses highly complex and staged civil works for the installation of bollards for security and compliance.
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal GovernmentMorton Park Pavilion
The Morton Park Sporting Clubs currently base themselves in the Pavilion located at 35 Central Road Blackburn. The existing building and part of the cricket...
Local State & Federal Government Sport & Recreation Building ConstructionCaloola Reserve Pavilion
The City of Monash’s new multi-sport pavilion is designed to deliver flexible, sustainable, accessible community facilities for various sporting activities...
Local State & Federal Government Sport & Recreation Building ConstructionRoy Dore Pavilion Redevelopment
The Roy Dore Pavilion was designed with local sporting clubs and other community user groups to provide a new state of the art sports facility incorporating a...
Local State & Federal Government Sport & Recreation Building ConstructionOverland Reserve Pavilion
The contract involves the demolition of the existing pavilion and construction of a new multi-storey pavilion (approx. 940m2 total) comprising concrete...
Local State & Federal Government Sport & Recreation Building ConstructionToorak Park Curator's Shed and Cricket Practice Multi-use Community Facility
Toorak Park’s master plan includes a new ground curator/storage shed with public toilet and cricket practice multi-use community facility that aims to provide...
Local State & Federal Government Sport & Recreation Building Construction CommunityParliament of Victoria - East Wing Refurbishment Stage 2
The contract comprises the removal of a heritage spiral staircase, demolition of internal rooms and construction of tunnelling works within Parliament House...
Commercial Local State & Federal Government Building ConstructionCASE STUDY
G.H. Soppet Pavilion
2Construct have been appointed head contractor for the construction of a new state-of-the-art pavilion at Mentone Reserve. City of Kingston Council worked...
Local State & Federal Government Sport & Recreation Building ConstructionSandringham Library & Maternal Child Health Redevelopment
Project is to provide a part demolition and full refurbishment of the existing Sandringham Library and Community building to allow for a library expansion and...
Local State & Federal Government Education Building Construction CommunityClyde Street Mall
The upgrade to Clyde Street Mall forms part of Frankston City Council Masterplan to energise Frankston’s central retail precinct. The works include the...
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government RetailFrog Hollow Reserve Pavilion
The Frog Hollow Reserve Pavilion integrates a community hall, kitchen, office, change rooms, toilets and storage facilities with the existing rugby training...
Local State & Federal Government Sport & Recreation Building ConstructionWalker Park Pavilion
The scope of works involves the refurbishment and extension of the existing sporting pavilion/grandstand complex located at 407 Whitehorse Road Nunawading. The...
Local State & Federal Government Sport & Recreation Building ConstructionStrathmore Secondary College
The Department of Education and Training appointed 2Construct to deliver Stage 1 of the Strathmore Secondary College’s master plan.
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government Education Building ConstructionCASE STUDY
Southbank Boulevard and Dodds Street Transformation
The City of Melbourne set the direction to transform Southbank Boulevard and Dodds Street, in the heart of Melbourne’s Arts Precinct, into one of Australia’s...
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government Civil & InfrastructureCasey Fields Soccer Pavilion
The project involves the construction of a 1025m2 single level sporting pavilion to service the new sports fields which are currently under construction for...
Local State & Federal Government Sport & Recreation Building ConstructionBill Lawry Oval Pavilion Redevelopment Stage 1 Works
Stage 1 works consist of the extension and refurbishment of the Bill Lawry Pavilion in Northcote and includes new change rooms and public amenities, and...
Local State & Federal Government Sport & Recreation Building ConstructionParliament of Victoria - Legislative Assembly Ministerial Wing
The project comprised the internal refurbishment of approximately 450m2 of existing space within the Legislative Assembly Ministerial Wing of Parliament House...
Commercial Local State & Federal Government Building ConstructionBunjil Place Office Fitout
The contract involves an office fit-out to the existing cold shell area (1128m²) of level 2 at Bunjil Place, City of Casey's vibrant entertainment precinct in...
Commercial Local State & Federal Government Building Construction CommunityCASE STUDY
Edithvale Life Saving Club
The Edithvale Life Saving Club facility is a partnership between Kingston Council and the Victorian Government. The new state-ofthe-art facility ensures the...
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government Sport & Recreation Building Construction CommunityStation Street Mall, Frankston Improvement Works Stage 1 & 2
As part of the Frankston City Council Masterplan, Station Street Mall has transformed into a safe, flexible, and green public space; connecting the Station to...
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government CommunitySunbury College Redevelopment
The redevelopment of Sunbury College involved the refurbishment of approximately 1,700m2 of existing teaching space into creative art and library spaces and...
Local State & Federal Government Education Building ConstructionSandringham East Primary School – New Games Hall, Learning Building and Associated Site Works
The project involved the construction of a new multi-purpose hall and a double-storey learning building.
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government Education Building ConstructionCentral Grandstand External Renewal Works Stage 1
Central Reserve Grandstand in Glen Waverley is undergoing an external refurbishment, and the City of Monash has appointed 2Construct as head contractor for the...
Local State & Federal Government Sport & Recreation Building ConstructionMosaic Recreation Reserve & Community Soccer Facility
The Mosaic Recreation Reserve and Community Soccer was designed to provide crucial facilities to Melbourne’s fast growing outer suburbs. Built over...
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government Sport & Recreation Building Construction CommunityUniversity Square Civil and Streetscape Works
The first stage of University Square’s redevelopment saw both Leicester Street and Pelham Street come in for some much needed attention. Sections of Leicester...
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government Civil & Infrastructure CommunityCroydon Town Square Development
In planning for the project, Maroondah City Council undertook community consultation and worked closely with key stakeholders, to understand what they would...
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government CommunityCaroline Springs Leisure Centre – Extension & Sub-Regional Tennis Facility
The Caroline Springs Leisure Centre Extension & Regional Tennis Facility saw Council partner with the State Government, through the Growing Suburbs Fund, in...
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government Sport & Recreation Building Construction CommunityWilliam Ruthven Secondary College – Main Works
The college, established in 2010, saw the upgrading of the campus to provide the college with modern facilities to support the local school community. Partial...
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government Education Building ConstructionBrighton Secondary College – Stage 2
The project focused around the development of a revitalised middle school catering for the key elements of learning areas with a focus on the transition of...
Local State & Federal Government Education Building ConstructionTarneit Senior College – Stage 2
Funded from the 2016-17 State Budget the second stage of the Tarneit Senior College was created to expand the capacity of the school to meet its growing...
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government Education Building ConstructionBurnside Multipurpose Community Centre Stage 2
Through consultation with the local community, the Melton City Council identified the need to provide additional support services for the senior residents...
Local State & Federal Government Building Construction CommunityWarrnambool City Centre Revitalisation Stage 1 & 2 (Streetscape Reconstruction)
The Warrnambool City Centre Project is a new thriving commercial and cultural heart of the City of Warrnambool and for South West Victoria. As part of councils...
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government RetailCASE STUDY
Malop Street Green Spine Streetscape Construction – Stage 1
The City of Greater Geelong in conjunction with the Victorian State Government committed to a joint project to revitalise the Geelong CBD. The ‘Revitalising...
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government RetailScammell Reserve Pavilion Redevelopment
The need to build active communities through community sport was part of Councils approach to redevelop the WA Scammell Reserve. The $2.8 million new pavilion,...
Local State & Federal Government Sport & Recreation Building ConstructionNorth Melbourne Synthetic Playing Court Installation
Research indicates inclusive sporting facilities allow athletes of all abilities to feel accepted and empowered. Able-bodied athletes and athletes with a...
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government Sport & Recreation Civil & InfrastructureBaden Powell Drive Reserve
Works comprised the revamp of Baden Powell Drive Reserve which included regional level skate / BMX and scooter area, community recreational spaces, park,...
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government Sport & Recreation CommunityLittle Malop Street Streetscape Upgrade aka Geelong Laneways Precinct
Works undertaken by 2Construct included the upgrade of existing Little Malop Street in Geelong, including the adjoining lane ways. Works included the...
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government RetailMornington Primary School Redevelopment
Works comprised the partial demolition of the existing school, & construction of the new 1400m2 single level middle and senior learning building together with...
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government Education Building ConstructionValley Lake Lookout
The construction of The Valley Lake Lookout and viewing platform was completed November, and has become a valuable outdoor amenity for a young community and is...
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government CommunityRegional and Metropolitan Railway Car Park Project
Works comprised the design and construction of 4 new carparks as part of VicTrack proposal to increase access to park and ride via free car parking...
Local State & Federal Government Civil & InfrastructureMelton Town Centre Revitalisation – Stage 3 Civil & Landscaping Works
The central business district of Melton underwent a transformation in stages to create a vibrant, pedestrian accessible and safe town centre. Stage 3 works...
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government Civil & InfrastructureNewbury Park Hume Hockey & Lacrosse Centre Pavilion
As part of the councils Leisure Strategy and Hockey Victoria push for a stronger presence in Melbourne growth corridors, HCC have partnered with Hockey...
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government Sport & Recreation Building ConstructionMordialloc Secondary College
The project comprised 3 stages of building and landscape works across the Mordialloc Campus. Stage 1 involved the conversion of the existing library building...
Local State & Federal Government Education Building ConstructionMorwell Central Primary School
The Morwell Central Primary School redevelopment comprised a 3100m² single storey school administration & learning building, along with the refurbishment and...
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government Education Building ConstructionBooran Road Reserve, Civil & Landscaping Works
2Construct worked together with the City of Glen Eira to deliver the final portion of the redevelopment of the former water authority reservoir in Glen Huntly.
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government Sport & Recreation CommunityPower Street Habitat Filter
This unique architectural streetscape development was introduced into the urban city location and comprised ecological conscious concepts of fauna & flora...
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government Civil & Infrastructure Design & ConstructLivingstone Pavilion - Multipurpose Space
Part demolition of existing building & external works. New building works included an extension comprising of new Multipurpose Room, Kitchen, Toilet Facilities...
Local State & Federal Government Sport & Recreation Building Construction CommunityHazel Glen College Stage 2
Stage 2 at Hazel Glen College saw the introduction of the Performing Arts and Hospitality building, STEAM building and extension of the existing gym building...
Local State & Federal Government Education Building ConstructionEastwood Street and Rankins Road Open Space
The project has increased open space provision in Kensington, implemented traffic calming measures in the area, created an accessible new park and improved...
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government CommunityBridge Road Community Pavilion
The Bridge Road Community Pavilion is part of the $11.3 million development that features a synthetic athletics track and field, hockey pitches and a...
Local State & Federal Government Sport & Recreation Building Construction CommunityMount Ridley P-12 College Stage 5
The final stage of the college's masterplan included construction of Learning Neighbourhoods for Years 10-12 students. This facility included much needed...
Local State & Federal Government Education Building ConstructionFitzroy Street Upgrade
The streetscape rejuvenation on the southern end of Fitzroy Street between Grey and Acland Streets, includes a landscaped central median strip with mature...
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal GovernmentMayone-bulluk Family & Community Centre (Cranbourne West Family & Community Centre)
With Casey being home to one of Victoria’s highest populations of newborns to four year olds, this new facility boast three kindergarten rooms, two maternal...
Local State & Federal Government Building Construction CommunityDocklands Park (Ron Barassi Senior Park)
The Ron Barassi Snr Park is a new park and recreational space located in north-west Docklands below the Bolte Bridge. The park includes 2 full size soccer...
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government Sport & Recreation CommunityDocklands Pavilion
The Western Park Sports Pavilion is 500 square metre single level building located with the greater Western Park Sports Complex, Docklands designed to...
Local State & Federal Government Sport & Recreation Building Construction CommunityNeill Street Reserve
The Neill Street Reserve between Lygon and Rathdowne streets was transformed to create a neighbourhood park for the Carlton community. The redeveloped area...
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal GovernmentAshburton Pool & Recreation Centre
The $5.9 million renewal of APARC has brought the facility up to modern standards and will serve the local community for generations to come. The renewal has...
Local State & Federal Government Sport & Recreation Building Construction CommunityBridge Road Children and Community Centre
Construction of new 1500m2 Children's and Community Centre on a green fill site in Melton. The building is single storey, comprising of a ground slab,...
Local State & Federal Government Education Building ConstructionBridge Road Children's and Community Centre (and Landscape)
2Construct were awarded the construction contract for the new Community Centre at Bridge Road in Melton. ( $4.7m value ) A separate contract for detailed...
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government EducationHazel Glen College Secondary School Stage 1
The scope of work for the new Secondary College in Doreen South, includes three buildings, car park, external basketball courts and external soft / hard...
Local State & Federal Government Education Building ConstructionArnolds Creek Recreational Reserve Sports Fields
Construction of a junior and a senior football oval with irrigation and drainage, all associated infrastructure including sports lighting, scoreboards, cricket...
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government Sport & Recreation CommunityNorth Port Sports Pavilion
New single level sports pavilion located at the northern end of the sports oval incl new electrical infrastructural works to upgrade electrical light and power...
Local State & Federal Government Sport & Recreation Building ConstructionAshburton Library & Learning Centre
The Ashburton Library and adjacent Community Centre were upgraded to enhance the communities experience and modernise current facilities on site. The community...
Local State & Federal Government Building Construction CommunityLuna Park Forecourt
The City of Port Phillip commissioned 2Construct to undertake the redevelopment of the forecourt to the iconic Luna Park in St Kilda. The works included...
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal GovernmentHogans Road Reserve
Construction of oval number 2 with full drainage, irrigation, lighting works and complete with world class turf wickets and turf practice nets. The scope...
Civic/Landscape Local State & Federal Government Sport & RecreationNorthern Autism School
Redevelopment of the Burbank Primary school comprising complete demolition of existing buildings to accommodate the construction of the Department of Education...
Local State & Federal Government Education Building Construction